Tuesday, May 28, 2013

My Summer
What I plan to do this summer is to relax. It has been a hectic school year, and I really need a break.
I also need to take some Rad Ac classes to make it so that I don't have to take many senior classes, so I can just take some releases.
Number one thing on my list of things to do is to sleep. I can't remember the last time I had a full 8 hours of sleep. Even on the weekends I've had to get up early to memorize the Quran, which is the muslim holy book.
Another thing I need to do is memorize at least three or four chapters of the Quran, so that my parents will be pleased, and let me do things that I would like to do.
I want to try out for menace, in order to strengthen my skills, and gain some chemistry with the teammates of mine who will be trying out as well. It will be fun, and I expect us to win most of our games.
I need to gain weight as well, in order to be more of a threat to opposing teams. I plan to gain at least twenty pounds over the summer, just so I don't get babied around next season.
I am going running, and as of right now am thinking of joining the cross country team, so I can stay fit for the spring season. I also am thinking of joining the football team, seeing as they need a kicker.
Ramadan is coming up in a month, and it is the holiest month in the islamic calendar, and also the most fun, because we stay out as late as we would like, with no objections from our parents.
I love being at the masjid, and staying the night over there, because it is really peaceful and gives me a lot of comfort.
I can't wait for this summer!